Thursday, April 21, 2005

I have so many things left undone

Over tea today with my colleagues, Colleague S was commenting about how I can be a good golf player, cos of my height(apparently height = momentum = more distance for the ball). Anyway, I'm not very interested in golf, as many of my colleagues are.

I told him what I'd really like to learn is fencing. Ooh lala. I like. Then Colleague Y overheard us, and in a quite reproachful tone, said,'Huh? Why you wanna learn so much? Have a kid and learn how to take care of the kid la!'. To which, I was quite offended, and snapped back at him,'Why? I must have kids cos everyone around me is having kids isit?'(in my buay-song tone+face).

I figured, I have my own plans for having kids. But right now is really not a time, cos having a kid means that both parents need really to want to sacrifice their time to nurture and take care of the little one. But, I dont think me nor my SO is ready for that yet. I have plans to achieve what I will in 2 years time, while she has her own stuff to worry about(at the current moment). So there.

Dunno why I got so pissed off. Maybe he makes me feel like I'm an ignorant kid. Well, I'm a kid at heart, and ignorant of many things in the world(I should read this more often), but definitely not 'ignorantly naive'. If you get what I mean.

Oh, theres a another link I wanna share. I think this is great at eliminating negative thoughts, which I think everybody should have less of, especially me, if I were to achieve my target.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world". Mahatma Ghandi


Blogger FF said...

Momentum = mass x velocity, nothing to do with height. :)

I don't know why it seems everyone around me is having babies.

11:37 PM  
Blogger PensiveTabby said...

FF - Hi! Pleasant suprise to see your comment. BLog downed for the longest time. Just up recently.
Well, I think what my colleague is saying is, with my height, my swing will be wider, so with the same accelertion = more velocity( v2 =u2 + as) = more momentum, something like tat. :p

12:08 PM  

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