Friday, March 04, 2005

Toilet manners

I have a grouse about toilets.

I have 2 cubicles in each of the toilets in my office, and one of them would have a tap by the toilet bowl. Sometimes, when I go in, the toilet would be in a mess, i.e. there will be paper lying around, some sh!t still stuck to the toilet bowl(and sometimes even the side), etc.

I dont understand, why the previous 'occupant' of the cubicle, could not be bothered to clean up after himself?! I mean, like , if he flushed after dumping a whole lot of sh!t, or a small load of sticky sh!t, and there are some sh!t which is still sticking to the bowl, cant he just use the tap beside the toilet bowl to wash it away?!? Even when theres not tap, you can always use toilet paper right?! I mean I do. I just tear out a larger portion of paper to wipe it off the toilet bowl, and flush again. In that case, the bowl will be clean for the next person who uses it, no?

Think about it, if he couldnt be bothered to clean up about himself cos he thinks its too dirty, does he expect the cleaning auntie to do so? I mean, if he finds his own sh!t dirty(then dont dig nose lah!), doesnt hethink others will find it even more repulsive.

And the sad thing is, I not only see it in my office, but in public toilets as well.

Thing is, Singaporeans are still far from gracious, when they cant even spare a thought for another fellow man. Everyone is only engrossed about himself, where got time to worry about others.

Singapore, gracious? Ptui! Tan ku ku.


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